Professional Education Committee — Terms of Reference

Purpose and Authority

The purpose of this committee is to:

  • Ensure alignment of professional education activities within the UBC Faculty of Medicine including those from Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Faculty Development, Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES), and Office of Education Innovation (OEI).
  • Coordinate CPD, Faculty Development, CHES, and OEI activities to create synergy, awareness, and avoid duplication.
  • Promote the principle of lifelong learning within the Faculty of Medicine, including the continuum of medical and health professions education.
  • Recommend to the Faculty Executive Committee any non-degree professional education activities, as required.


This committee is made up of ex officio, elected, and appointed members.

The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.

Voting Members

Ex officio

  • Associate Dean, Continuing Professional Development (rotating chair) (1)
  • Assistant Dean, Faculty Development (rotating chair) (1)
  • Director, Centre for Health Education Scholarship (rotating chair) (1)
  • Academic Director, Education Innovation (rotating chair) (1)
  • Executive Associate Dean, Education (1)
  • Senior Director, Education Programs and Services (1)
  • Executive Director, Faculty Affairs (1)
  • Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, or delegate (1)
  • Director, Clinical Faculty Affairs (1)


  • One Department Head/School Director (1)
  • Two faculty members (2)
  • One clinical faculty member (1)


  • One Department Head/School Director (ensuring one from each of clinical and foundational science departments/schools, depending on elected Department Head/School Director) (1)
  • Two faculty members (balancing regions, and Undergraduate Medical Education, Postgraduate Medical Education, Health Professions Education, and Graduate/Postdoctoral Education with the elected faculty members) (2)
  • One clinical faculty member (balance regions and disciplines with elected clinical faculty member) (1)
  • One member from a Health Authority (1)
  • One Postgraduate Medical Education resident (1)
  • One graduate student (1)

Non-voting Members

Ex officio

  • Director, Continuing Professional Development (1)
  • Associate Director, Faculty Development (1)
  • Operations Manager, Centre for Health Education Scholarship (1)
  • Operations Manager, Office of Education Innovation (1)
  • Regional Director, Faculty Development (rotating among NMP, SMP, IMP, VFMP) (1)

Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the chair’s discretion.

Appointment Process

Ex officio members are members by virtue of their administrative appointment.

Elected members are elected by their peers through the annual process initiated by the Dean’s Office.

Appointed members are appointed by the Dean through the annual process initiated by the Dean’s Office.


Ex officio members are members as long as they hold their administrative appointment.

Elected members are members for a one-year term and are eligible for renewal.

Appointed members are members for a one-year term and are eligible for renewal.


Chaired by one of the following and rotates annually.

  • Associate Dean, Continuing Professional Development
  • Assistant Dean, Faculty Development
  • Director, Centre for Health Education Scholarship
  • Academic Director, Education Innovation.

Meeting Schedule and Administration

Normally meets approximately four times per year and at the call of the chair.

All members are expected to attend all meetings in person or via videoconference or phone.

A staff member from the office of the current chair will capture meeting minutes. Minutes will be circulated to all members.

The four offices have varying capacity to provide administrative support and so may request support from other offices, if needed.

Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision Making Process

Quorum consists of 50% plus one of voting members.

Decisions are typically made by consensus. When consensus does not emerge, decisions will be made by vote, requiring 50% plus one of voting members present to pass.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

This committee:

  • Presents an annual report summarizing the year’s activities to the Faculty Executive Committee.
  • Seeks input from the Department Heads and School Directors Committee before presenting recommendations to the Faculty Executive Committee, as appropriate.
  • Makes recommendations to the Faculty Executive Committee for decision on behalf of Full Faculty, as needed.
  • May delegate responsibilities to subcommittees and/or ad hoc groups to make recommendations on, or conduct, specific aspects of the committee’s mandate.
  • Enables communication and coordination among CPD, Faculty Development, CHES, and OEI.
  • Liaises with the Organizational Development Committee to identify professional education activities.

Representatives of this committee liaise with other academic and administrative committees and advisory councils, as needed.


This committee:

  1. Identifies needs and priorities for professional education to support faculty in their roles as teachers, researchers, administrators, and service providers, including but not limited to needs related to lifelong learning, competency-based education, continuum of education, simulation, optimizing educational delivery, leadership, mentorship, coaching, programmatic assessment, and program evaluation.
  2. Collaborates with representatives from all sites and programs to develop and implement faculty professional education programs to meet the needs of faculty at all sites.
  3. Identifies opportunities for synergy with Health Authorities and other stakeholders to provide professional education that addresses gaps and avoids duplication of existing programs.
  4. Collaborates with stakeholders to address and enhance evaluation and quality of professional education activities.
  5. Ensures that professional education activities meet faculty, practicing professional, and societal needs.
  6. Identifies and coordinates opportunities for faculty professional education activities, whether through Continuing Professional Development, Faculty Development, the Office of Education Innovation, or the Centre for Health Education Scholarship.
  7. Adheres to the FoM General Responsibilities of Standing Committees.


This version of these terms of reference has been approved by the Faculty Executive Committee on September 26, 2017, and by the Faculty of Medicine (Full Faculty) on November 14, 2017.

Version History