Promotion & Tenure

Here are some tools to assist you in presenting the best possible case for success.

  1. We strongly recommend you review the SAC Guide to Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Procedures at UBC. In particular, review Sections 2 (About the Process), 3 (The Criteria) and 4 (Information for the Candidate).
  2. The Guide includes appendices regarding Teaching Evidence and an Annotated CV.  Please utilize the Faculty of Medicine Annotated CV for the Professoriate Stream (rev Nov 2021) and the Annotated CV for the Educational Leadership Stream (rev June 2016).  Please also refer to the FoM Elements of a Teaching Dossier for Candidates (rev June 2013).
  3. CV Addendum (rev Feb 2022) can be added to your dossier up to the stage of the President’s decision.  A CV Addendum should include new, unsolicited information and be sent to the Head if the review is still at the Department level or to the Dean if the review has progressed beyond the Department.