VPRI Call for Faculty CRC Proposals for Persons with Disabilities

The Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation (VPRI) has invited all UBC Faculties to propose Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs (CRC) based on their robust plans for recruiting or retaining leading researchers with disabilities.

Faculties may propose CRCs in one of the three tri-agency streams at the Tier 2 level.  Two NSERC chairs, one SSHRC and one CIHR chair will be available through an adjudication process.  The initiative is open to proposals from all Faculties on both UBC campuses.

The Faculty of Medicine can submit up to three proposals for this special call.  Proposals may either be framed for retention or recruitment, and must follow all CRC equity, diversity and inclusion recruitment guidelines, and be further guided by UBC’s equitable hiring practices.

To identify the top three proposals advancing to the VPRI stage of the competition, the Faculty of Medicine will conduct an internal application and adjudication process for both the retention and recruitment streams of the call, detailed in the links below.

Please use one of the following links outlining the appropriate application process:

FoM Application Process for Retention Applications

FoM Application Process for Recruitment Applications

If you have any questions, please contact Corné du Plessis in the Faculty of Medicine’s Office of Research.