May 2022

2022 Faculty Salary Increases

The process to administer the July 1, 2022 faculty salary increases has begun.  Please refer to the attached email with important dates and upcoming deadlines.

Annual Honorary Reappointment Process

A reminder that the deadline to return your School/Department’s completed Honorary Reappointment spreadsheet is Tuesday, May 10th, 2022. Your Department/School should have received a link to view your Honorary Reappointment spreadsheet through OneDrive. Please note that Faculty Relations confirms that a separate Termination BP is not required for anyone for which there is “N” in Column A (Terminate position as of June 30, 2022).

2022 Faculty of Medicine Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Faculty of Medicine Awards (see attached announcement). Please review the new award categories and nominations guidelines carefully. Please submit your nominations by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 10, 2022 to

Expiring Faculty PD Funds

On April 13, 2022, Central HR sent out a customized e-statement to faculty members who have PD Funds expiring on June 30th, 2022, please see attached for a copy of the communique. The communique was not sent to those who do not have funds expiring this year. If faculty members have questions about their expiring PD funds amount, please contact HR at

Academic Renewal Round 2

Our second call for proposals for academic renewal funding has officially been sent out. The original email is attached for your reference. The deadline for proposals will be September 2, 2022 EOD and space approval and financial validation must be in place before the proposal is submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Barker or Sandy Liu

Administration of Salary Awards Workshop

Our team will be running a workshop on the Administration of Salary Awards (from an HR perspective). The intention of the workshop will be to provide an overview of what Departments/Schools are required to provide in an application when a faculty has registered as an applicant for a salary award.  The workshop will not cover the research component of the application, but will focus on determining an eligible rank of the candidate, identify what supporting documents are required and what is required on the Department Head’s Form for the application to move through to the next steps. The target audience include Administrators and HR Manager/Coordinators in Departments/Schools with academic faculty.  A date will be set for June and sent out to Administrators.

Direct Deposit Forms & Mailing Addresses for Foreign Workers

As mentioned in our April newsletter, additional language and a separate Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form have been added to the offer letters for term appointees not in the Faculty Association, including Research Associates, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and Paid Term Appointments, to collect new hires’ direct deposit information and confirm that employees will update their banking elections in Workday prior to their first pay. Please visit the Faculty Relations website for the latest offer letter templates for term appointees. 
We are aware that some foreign workers may not have a Canadian bank account set up as of the beginning of their appointment because they are waiting for their SIN to be approved. If this is the case, administrators can proceed with processing the foreign workers’ appointment in Workday without a signed Payroll Direct Deposit Form with the condition that the foreign worker has a valid work permit and a proof of application for a SIN within three (3) days of the start date of their employment.

Additionally, we strongly recommend administrators to enter the correct mailing addresses at the Pre-Hire step in Workday, especially in cases whereby the employee is unable to set up their direct deposit at the start of their appointment. Payroll has identified incorrect Workday mailing addresses as a common problem that is resulting in cheques being lost or sent to incorrect addresses. Thank you in advance for your efforts in obtaining data and entering correct addresses into Workday with the goal of preventing financial hardship for these employees.